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  • Writer's pictureCharterisCentre

Our Redevelopment is underway

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

Photos as the contractors move in!

Monday 18 November. The day the contractors moved in! After countless false starts, SJS Property Services Ltd set up camp in the Centre where they'll be for up to the next 12 months.

The initial work was to set up the Site Office, safety protocol, and generally getting various kit installed. Wiring was isolated and temporary wiring was put in place. Floors were protected.

Now, one week on, things are starting in earnest as strip out work begins. In reality, that means the noise level will start to rise but we have built a good relationship with the contractors and will work with them to ensure they remain in sympathy with what is still going on in the Centre. But its great to finally get things started.

On a practical note, if you're attending a group in St Ninians Hall or the Baillie Room, you can still go in through the usual door on the Pleasance. This also remains the access for Amina: Muslim Women's Resource Centre and Scottish Love in Action. It is also where you'll find the main Site Office for SJS.

If you need to speak to one of our team or simply wish to come to Reception, you'll find this around the corner at our Brown Street entrance for the Cowan Rooms. This is where you'll find Reception, our Centre Manager, plus Edinburgh Social Enterprise and Edinburgh Street Pastors.

There is no access to the Kirk o'Field Hall or Harry Miller Hall for anyone who is not a contractor or official visitor.

We'll keep you up to date with developments through regular blog posts. If you have any questions on the development itself, please contact our Development Manager on

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